March Newsletter
We hope you are safe and well in this most difficult of times.
As you know we are not able to run our art sessions for the foreseeable future, but we just wanted to reach out, say hello and let you know we are thinking about you.
We are looking at ideas for things we can do together as a "virtual art group". If you have some ideas please let us know.
We are going to create a "virtual" gallery on the PATV website, and also considering how we can share what we do with our families, friends and the wider community. Our children have been making rainbows to put in the windows so maybe you can do something similar?
Ideas could include;
A shared doodle with the family
A collage of something that will bring a smile to people faces.
A display of your painting in the window for people to see when they go for a walk.
Maybe just creating something for yourself and sharing on our FB page or website?
We will stay in touch, we are thinking of you.....stay safe and well
Vicki, Harry, Sue and Jill xx
Message from Mike
l have been doing a bit of work on the green man. Try cutting a stick and carving something on it I.e a snakes head or a ducks and making a walking stick we have got 12 weeks so take your time try not to carve lumps out of yourself xxx

Message from Ros

Message from Harry

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During these tricky times there is a trend emerging. People everywhere are making rainbows and putting them in their windows to cheer up passers-by. People are relying on gestures from others to convey messages of solidarity and comradery.

Rainbows offer a message of hope and peace and serve to remind us that there is hope and light to follow, even after dark times. Good and beautiful things follow the darkest storm and the rainbow promises fresh beginnings. We all know that creativity can bring positivity to people’s lives and how better make people smile, than to put a rainbow in your window!
Here is a short video of our rainbow creation. It is a collage made from things hanging around the house (packaging, crisp packets, old magazines, wrapping paper etc) and a bit of glue. But you could create your rainbow in any medium and if you like you can send us a picture of it to include on our virtual gallery! There are also some pictures of other rainbow creations to give you some inspiration.