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Prescription Art Test Valley 2017

What We Do

​Prescription Art Test Valley holds creative art sessions to help and support individuals with mental and emotional health and wellbeing needs including isolation and loneliness. Our art sessions focus on building confidence, friendships and providing an outlet for previously unexplored creative instincts for individuals in and around the Test Valley, Hampshire.


Individuals are referred by their GP or other health professional for a course of six weeks of creative art sessions. Following completion of the initial six week course individuals are invited to continue to attend the thriving follow on classes.


Classes are usually held at the Dr Peter Centre in Romsey and are free to attend. Our funding comes from a number of sources including donations, fundraising events and some grants. Prescription Art Test Valley is a registered charity, number 1177894.


We would like to express our sincere thanks and gratitude to all those who have supported us including Test Valley Borough Council, Hampshire County Council, Sovereign Network Group, Romsey Town Council, Romsey Ukulele Group, Romsey & Waterside Lions Club and Rotary Club of Romsey Test and Rum's Eg Singers.

Prescription Art Test Valley is a registered charity. Registered in England and Wales.

Charity Registration No. 1177894

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